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Sub Domain Name Setup

Product ID: subdomains

GTP iCommerce Domain Names Sub Domain Name Setup

Photo of Sub Domain Name Setup
Price:  $66.00 AUD Per Sub Domain
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Sub Domain Name Setup

We will setup a requested subdomain where the WWW at the start of a domain name is replaced with something different and point it to a particular section of your web site or a separate but connected web site / web section.

For example, you could create a subdomain for a blog on your site called "blog" that is accessible through the URL in addition to

We can also add multiple levels of subdomains. For instance, you can add to delve into an even more specific area of interest on your site. Each subdomain can be up to 25 characters long.


  • Setup subdomain name and point to an IP address
  • Setup subdomain name and point to a specific web section or page


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