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DNS Hosting

Product ID: dnshosting

GTP iCommerce Domain Names DNS Hosting

Photo of DNS Hosting
Price:  $88.00 AUD Per Annum
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DNS Hosting

With DNS your website cannot be found and your email will not work

DNS = Domain Name System

DNS is the glue that makes the internet work by translating your domain name into an IP address which gives directions as to where to send your email and where to find your web site.

Without DNS your domain name, website and email will not work as there is no map on where to find you. 

DNS settings contain anywhere from 7-20 settings that tell all the other computers in the world where to find your web site and where to deliver your email.  If it is set up incorrectly then it can cause problems.

GTP generally uses Amazon\'s Route 53 service which is one of the largest and most reliable DNS hosting services worldwide.  Sometimes we use Cloudflare as an alternative provider for specific clients. 

If you need changes made to your DNS settings because you are moving your web site hosting or setting up a new email system with someone new, we can either make the DNS changes for you.  Your IT person will tell us what to change, or we can provide a console so your IT person can make the changes directly.  Both services have a small one-off charge to cover our time.

Where GTP manages your domain name, there is no charge for DNS hosting as it is included.  Where GTP does not manage your domain name, then a DNS Hosting annual fee is charged annually. 

The DNS is the complicated Techy stuff which points to your web site and email in various locations and other important settings. 

Hosting your DNS settings means we can assist where changes are required which is especially helpful when we host your website or email as from time to time technical upgrades may require a change in settings as new hardware or services are implemented. 

DNS Hosting is different from web hosting.  DNS Hosting is the settings that tell the world where your web site is hosted.  Web Hosting is the fee for the actual storage on a real computer (called a server) in a data center that stores your web site code and images and videos.


So, in essence, most companies are usually paying for the following

1. Domain Name Registration or Renewal (once a year or every 2nd year) 

2. DNS Hosting

3. Email Accounts (e.g. Office 365, Hosted Exchange, Pop, Imap, Gmail Professional, Email Security Services)

4. Web Site Hosting (Storage and Bandwidth, Software Licences)


The DNS means you can have your email with Microsoft or Google or Telstra while your web site is with GTP, or Amazon or iinet.  They can be separated out just with a DNS change so you can tailor the solution to your needs.






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