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Payment Processing Options for Your Ecommerce Site

Product ID: EcomPaymentGateways

GTP iCommerce Website for Ecommerce Payment Processing Options for Your Ecommerce Site

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Payment Processing Options for Your Ecommerce Site

1. Secure Credit Card Capture and Manual Eftpos Terminal Processing 

This is almost the same as taking credit card by phone and processing as card not present on your existing eftpos terminal.  This is available by default and is a no cost way to get started before streamlining with real time payment processing options described further down.

Card details are captured and encrypted and stored in a secured area. 

GTP places software on one or two of your computers which enables a secure connection for you to access and retrieve card information for processing.

This option is suitable where only a few transactions are expected to start off with or while you are organising real time payment options.


2. PayPal Processing - Can be used for Visa and Mastercard

In addition to option 1 above, you can have payment processing through PayPal.  We can step you through the PayPal setup process and we generate two codes in your PayPal account that are used to enable payment.

PayPal merchant rates are usually around 2.4% and 30 cents per transaction. They have no setup costs, and no ongoing costs.

This is free to setup.


3. Pin Payments for Credit Card Payments (Visa and Mastercard)

  • Free to setup
  • No Ongoing Fees
  • Merchant fees of approx 1.8% on your transaction*  (Check

You can sign up for free online and you will need to verify your details and possibly provide some documentation online.

Once this is done and your account is approved, we simpley need to copy and paste some codes into our system to activate Pin Payments as a real time credit card verification.

The way it works is that funds go into Pin Payments account for 5-7 days and are deposited into your account minus the 1.8% merchant fee.

Visit :


3. Real Time Credit Card Verification Using a Payment Gateway From Your Bank or SecurePay.

  • Choose this option if you have a low merchant rate already lower than PayPal and Pin Payments

Each of the banks has their own payment gateway service or you can use a service like securepay which enables us to connect in with all the major Australian banks.

We prefer to use securepay as our software is already integrated with their system but we can integrate with any payment gateway.  We may need to quote on this.

Each bank has different fee structures for monthly fees, transaction fees and merchant fees for their payment gateway so you will need to talk to your bank.

Here is what to say:  We already have a merchant account with you and would like to also be able to process credit cards online through a payment gateway.  We don\'t want a seperate bank account, just to process payments via a gateway into our existing bank account.  What are your charges and what is the process.

Tips: Try not to be talked into a completely seperate merchant account to the one you have as this adds costs.  The bank should be able to treat an online transaction like another eftpos terminal.

SecurePay - See This link for SecurePay Rates

Speak to GTP about setting up your merchant account.

GTP Cost: SecurePay: $198 to cover 2 hours of setup on payment gateway.

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