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Email Forwarding, Alias Setups and Email Redirects

Product ID: EmailAliasFwd

GTP iCommerce Personal Email Email Forwarding, Alias Setups and Email Redirects

Photo of Email Forwarding, Alias Setups and Email Redirects
Price:  $33.00 AUD Per Quarter Hour
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We will set up an email address that forwards into another email as an alias, email forward or email redirect

  • Setting up an Alias Email Address.  For example  setting up as an alias email address to means that any emails sent to admin@ address end up in Boris\'s\' email box.  Multiple Aliases can be set to point to the same email address.  Price is to set up all aliases at the same time.  So if you have 5 alias email addresses we can do this at the same time for the one price as we have already logged in and got to the account settings
  • Setting up an email forward means an email account exists but you want emails sent to to also go to and
  • Email redirect is similar to an an email forward but it may involve the email account being sent to not actually having its own inbox.  So email sent to is not stored on but instead goes onto


Recommendation: If you are likely to be making changes regularly you can do this through an email admin console that can be set up for you.  See this as another product/service to choose from.

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