Dale has been consulting and developing digital marketing solutions since 1996 and has 2 decades of digital marketing success and a Masters Degree in Psychology from Curtin University which he uses to improve conversion rates on client web sites.
James works across all areas of web development and digital marketing automation applying best practice coding techniques in PHP, Ruby, Javascript and all that good techie stuff. James is our Chief Geek and capable of providing elegant solutions to even the most difficult of client requirements.
Angela is both a UX designer and front end web developer. With a degree in design and extensive photoshop skills, Angela makes you look great and appeal to your ideal client profiles so they buy more from you, more often, and with higher dollar spends.
Alastair is our Super IT Geek who knows about bits and bytes to keep our servers humming, backups backed up and technical infrastructure secure and stable.
Janina is our friendly person on the end of the accounts line making sure you get your invoices. This keeps your services running and our team paid and happy.
Centre for information Security Standards are applied to all servers and virtual machines and tested against benchmarks
Testing against OWASP top ten software weaknesses is applied to each website we build.
PCI DSS shopping cart standards and integration with PCI DSS compliant transaction providers for safe customer transactions